5 things I learned as an exchange student

Saturday, October 07, 2017

Hello! So I guess many of you know that I went to an amazing country called Brazil for a year as a Rotary exchange student. (And if you didn't know, now you know!) It was an amazing year, full of new things, places, people. During that one year, I learned a lot and I got to experience so many things, good or bad, it doesn't really matter now. It's already 3 months that I'm home and I miss being an exchange student more and more every day. Everyone keeps asking me if I miss Brazil and it's sad that nobody can see what they're causing by asking me this question because they don't know how it feels like and oh boy I wish they knew.

First thing I learned at the very beginning of my exchange was that you can't rely on anyone else but yourself. Well, of course, I had to rely on myself. I traveled to the other side of the world. Alone! I didn't have anyone that would help me. The biggest change that I see on myself after the exchange is that I got more independent and I guess it's because when I needed something, I had to work it out alone.

In my case, I always had problems with friendships. It's not difficult for me to make new friends, the hardest part is to keep them. I don't know if it's my fault or what, but they don't last as long as I'd want. The good, and at the same time the bad part of an exchange, is that you get to know who's your real friend and who isn't. Let me tell you, I didn't think it will turn out like it did but let's leave that for another time haha. Be prepared for jealousy and some loss of your friends. I know that this is not really good thing to hear but it's better to expect some losses than to be surprised later. There's a lot of jealousy going on in these days and there surely is some around you. Exchange is an amazing thing and it's normal that someone will get a little bit jealous just because you will have a better time than they will. But there can be someone that will take it even more serious and will stop talking with you. In that case, it's not your real friend. Don't be sad if this happens, at least you'll know, who's happy for you and who's just pretending it.

Do me a favor and say yes! When your friend asks you to go somewhere, go, even if you want to lay in your bed whole day and watch Netflix. I know that sometimes you just don't feel like going anywhere but except those days, go out, have fun. You never know when you'll get that opportunity again. Maybe never, but hey, who knows.

Kinda similar to saying yes is to not be afraid to try new things. The main reason of going on an exchange is to get to know another culture. The difference between cultures that everyone can see (in this case hear) is the language, but that's just a small part of it. Culture can be a lot more than you think. It can be a way that people dress, the way they eat, think or behave. Sometimes it's difficult to get used to something new but you should try as many things as possible and especially, don't be afraid!

You know how they say "exchange isn't a year in your life, it's a life in a year"? That's true. But do you know what's the saddest part? That it passes so fast. That's why you need to enjoy every moment to the fullest. And I mean it. Enjoy every day like it's your last. Live in the present, don't think about what was and what will be, focus on what's now. You won't regret.

Exchange was the hardest year in my life but it sure was the best as well. I learned a lot of lessons for which I'm really thankful. It was a year of my dreams and I will never forget it!

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